About us

Grow In The Right Direction

With our qualified accounting assistance, you can streamline your business’s financial operations and clear the path for steady, sustainable growth.

Customized Approach

Generic strategies won’t help us provide businesses with the right kind of results. Our strategies for each project are customized based on the client’s needs.

Top Notch Collaboration

We cannot deliver what we promise unless we collaborate with you like a partner. We work as an extension of your own team, extensively communicating every single thing.
about us

An Unparalleled Passion To Guide Businesses Towards The Right Financial Direction







Overdraw is not your average online accounting and bookkeeping service provider. We don’t think our job is to just manage your books and ensure that everything balances out correctly in the end. We are a lot more than that.

At Overdraw, we are driven by our mission i.e. to drive value in every activity that we do. Every financial task that we undertake for you ranging from payroll services to virtual accountant services is meant to entail significant, sustainable and tangible business gains.

Listen To How We Have Impacted Businesses
With Our Accounting Services